Monday, May 21, 2007

As We Get Older...

As I grow older I realised that my tolerance level has decreased quite a bit. Things that usually don’t upset me last time like how the guy at the McDonalds counter can take so bloody long to punch a simple order on the cash register or how the guy can entertain and take orders from a person who had just cut queue could easily make my blood boil up to 100 degree Celsius within seconds. However, I would not blow my top. I would get very annoyed but I would not loose my patience.

I am not a quick-tempered person. I would like to think of myself as a calm and level-headed person when dealing with human’s inefficiencies. I mean not everyone is perfect and they’re bound to slip up and make mistakes once in a while. But the thing is what if the slip-ups are things which can be avoided in the first place if you are more careful or mindful of others?

Slip of the tongue – I’m sure everyone is guilty of this at one point in time. Like for example someone told you a secret and made you swear not to tell anyone and after a month or so you totally forgot about what you’ve sworn and accidentally blurted it out to another person? This is how friendships/relationships are destroyed. You don’t mean to but you kinda did. A point of no return.

Consider these scenarios :
1) What if you’ve found a bug in your soup and a strand of hair in your dish? Would you kick up a fuss and let the whole restaurant know how unhygienic the restaurant is and demand for your money back? And after all that you go home and take out your laptop and begin writing a long-winded letter to Malay Mail telling the whole nation what had happened to you and demand the Ministry of Health to drop by the restaurant and if need be close it down? Is that considered over-reacting? Or are you being a concerned citizen?

2) What if you’re watching a movie and in the middle of the movie the person next to you starts talking to his girlfriend and narrating every single scene in that movie? At first, you politely tell the guy to keep quiet. He kept quiet for a while but after 10 minutes he’s at it again, yakking away, oblivious to the fact that he is annoying the living crap out of people around him especially you. So do you then again politely tell him to keep it down or do you make your way out of the cinema in the middle of the movie (if you do this you’d be missing some of the scenes from the movie and imagine that you’ve been waiting to see the movie for the longest time and it was so bloody hard to get a ticket) and find the manager and tell the manager what happened and ask the manager to remove the guy and his girlfriend from the cinema? Or without warning, would you just punch the living daylights out of the guy right then and there? Or would you just keep quiet because you wouldn’t want to make a scene?

I’ve lived with a person who has a quick temper all my life i.e. my dad. Sometimes he gets angry at things which a normal person would not even get angry at and I’m telling you it’s so silly that you would feel embarrassed to even tell people what causes him to swear and shout. I know people say that you have to endure things like this if you have a police officer or an army as your dad because they run their household like how they would run their squads. Dictatorship is the word I’m referring to. People say as one gets older one will ultimately mellow down but not in my dad’s case though. He’s like a time-bomb and anything could set him off. He wouldn’t lay his hands on anyone but he would rant and rave and “berleter sampai subuh”. Oh yeah he sulks too, worse than my 2 year old nephew, Hareez. We've all learned to just get out of the way when he explodes.

I don’t want to turn out like that. And I made damn sure the person I marry is not like that. But if for some reason he turned out to be like that in the future I would send him packing. Most definitely, without a doubt.

So what gets your blood boiled?
How far would you go to correct the wrong done to you?
Would you encroach on another person's rights in order to preserve your right as a human being?


vedd said...

You are reminding me of the good old days in law faculty about yourself hehehe How thunderous you can get with the guys (especially ciko hahaha!) and also how ... oppss not saying anything more :)

gravtkills said...

when the cats do their thing just 5cm away from the litter box instead of in it

Desparil said...

scenario 2 really ticks me off.. i came close to throwing my drinks at 1 guy for not shutting up despite numerous 'sshhhh'-es..

Cosmic_GurL said...

Vedd - Hep! Syyyyyy...I've changed tau. Dah lembut dan ayu skrg. Hahahaha! Eh, apart from getting married and having a child u havent changed much too kay :P

gravtkills - Hehehe...the 5cm away from the litter box happens to be in the house issit?

Desparil - Whoa! next time bring small stones in so u can throw them

Amy said...

I dalam panggung wayang mmg I tak tahan. Tapi I selalu 'shhh' kan dia sekali je la. Kalau buat lagi, malas nak panjangkan issue, I'll try to find another seat, far away from that person :)


i am very the penyabar kind of guy and nothing ticks me off....Hahahahhahaha...

seriously, i think my tolerance level kdg2 makin teruk ah at this age....i snap a lot easier as well.

trueblue said...

I'm also not a quick-tempered person. I can tolerate a lot of things. But of course I have my limits. When I can't stand it anymore, I do tell people off but I don't go maki-maki people la. I have my own subtle ways :)

keesha said...

my dad was an army officer.. so i know how it feels to be dictated... sangap okay...!!! nasib baik im a kinda patient person :D

Pink-Fins @ Blue-Fins said...

I think, being born in the star of Aries PLUS in the year of Fire Dragon, makes me very very the quick-tempered. But think I've mellowed down a bit (haha). A lot of things tick me off.. hahahaha yep the cinema thing and those who kick my chair from the back.. mega grrr.. pening tau ini kepala. Also, mega kiasu people who think only for themselves AND I hate waiting and.. hahahah banyak pulak list.. and the list goes on la ye.. hahahhaha

Eddy Purnama - piii daaah.. penyabar konon! hahahah

Cosmic_GurL said...

Amy - Baiknyer hati you. What if there's no other empty seats? Then ull just memendam perasaan issit? :)

eddy - ure penyabar? Muahahahahahaha..are we talking abt the same person here who merajuk and makes me feel guilty when I cant have lunch with him at kanna?

trueblue - I somehow believe ure a very calm and collect person :)

kristakish - Kita serupaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

pink-fins - Hahahaa..u pun cam i..low level of tolerance...dah tua kan?

Suraya said...

I think in my case n many others, patience grow with age. it used to blow my top if i had to take 15 minutes to get my order at a restaurant. but now, i seem to smile a lot everytime i get pissed. maybe u've bottled up too much anger inside when u were younger kot...

gravtkills said...

ya lor...5cm away naper tak buat lam litter box je kan...huish

Cosmic_GurL said...

lil miss easydent - Me bottle it all up? Hehehe..highly unlikely dear..

gravtkills - harlow, kalau boleh ajar bukan kucing namanyer..u tak hantar kucing u gi sekolah pasal tu lah jadik camtu. Hehehe