Friday, June 22, 2007

Love and marriage...they go together like horse and carriage...

Today is my favourite day of the week! Someone forwarded these pics to me yesterday and I thought they were funny, except for the "divorce" picture. Most of us are already too pessimistic and sceptic about marriage so...
When you're in a...

You shouldn't have this with other ppl... (it was a typo, Mr. Winged. Thanks!)

No matter how much the "love affair" gives you a feeling of...

Or else you'll find yourself in a...

Now THAT would be shitty, wouldnt it?

Have a good weekend everyone!


Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

ahahah...but I found my ecstasy after my divorce..! ;P good one!

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

marriage? *terduduk

ecstasy - bring it on...!!! hell yeahhh..!!! *erkk erkk..

trueblue said...

You have a good weekend too babe! Don't be naughty *wink*

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

Ada typo ke or really one should have a love affair except with the wife? Like you said, the divorce picture is caption of ruin.

Red Raven said...


akula said...

hmmmm 2

thewailer said...

that would be shitty :)

Anonymous said...

ur title reminds me of the "Married with Children" series ... Al Bundy the man! LOL

ytxis said...

Look on a brighter side, read this one from bottom up, happy ending babeh!

suzequatro said...

hmmm..pretty shitty i believe. heh.

Monster Mom said...

hmm... just hope the last scenario never comes....hihihi...

Cosmic_GurL said...

Yours turly - Well good for u then! Not many ppl have that feeling :)

Missy - Dont believe everything u read :)

trueblue - But but but notty is nice :P

winged - Hehehe..yeah yeah spelling error..i meant if there's anyone u wanna have a love affair with, it better be your wife

raven & akula - Kenapa? Tak percaya ke?

thewailer - You said it bro!

Alex -'s actually from Frank Sinatra's song, Love and Marriage

Sixty - Ure one smart man..pandai carik loophole :)

suze - Shitty pun sometimes ppl dont care..janji shiok!

monstermom - Yup! Hopefully happy ever after